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Mayor Boudreau Awarded Advocacy All-Star

Mayor Jill Boudreau was named a 2021 Advocacy All-Star for her key role in advocating on behalf of the 281 cities of Washington State, for a more sensible approach to police reform House Bill 1054.

The Mayor worked extensively with state representatives to demonstrate how extreme policy proposals can negatively impact cities, police departments, and the safety of the general public.

“The solutions to the widely publicized policing failures that we see in the media should not be such an extreme overcorrection that we create new safety concerns for our officers and our residents,” Boudreau said. “I believe our City has demonstrated how policing can be practiced with dignity and respect for every officer, and for every person with whom they interact.”

The award was announced this week by the Association of Washington Cities; and marks the 2nd time in 5 years that Mayor Boudreau has received the honor.

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